Saturday, March 23, 2013


Construction continues...

Exterior walls up, siding taken down, and plywood applied to exterior.

Interior...Looking good.

The next day...

More plywood put up, and we have a roof! I wanted an open ceiling. It isn't going to be a great big space, but I wanted it to feel like it is big, so a vaulted ceiling it is.

The end of Phase I construction is basically completed. The roofer came and put the shingles on (photo to come later), and the builder filled in the holes with additional plywood. Phase II will start next week and should be done by Easter. And then, I will have to wait to save a little more money and finish the interior. We'll probably do that ourselves to save money and do it at our own pace.

Aaah. So excited about this project. I hope it turns out how I want. I'm looking forward to getting my space organized and ready to do some creative stuff.

Health update: Went to get a CT scan on Friday. It was a very interesting experience, as in weird. It didn't take very long though. My doctor and PA should have the results in a couple of days. I should hear something from them by Wednesday. Hoping for good results, such as nothing serious...nothing suspicious...actually nothing at all, well, except for a possible hint of pneumonia.

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