There have been some little things that have happened this month that I thought were me, anyway.
Here's what our little family has been up to.
Spring consignment sales have come and gone. Love it when these sales happen! Here's what I got this year. The girl didn't really need any summer clothes but I did pick up some stuff for next year. I got some great deals for the boy. $3 for cleats for baseball! Brand new shirt for $3. A bike that was in great shape for $25! I also got a few other things for their upcoming birthdays (bike, games, assorted toys).
Spring baseball finally got underway. So far of the the six games we should have played, we have only played three of them due to weather. One of which was supposed to be on the boys' birthday, but it rained, and it was our turn to bring snacks, and I made cupcakes for everyone. The cupcakes ended up going to the kids' Sunday school class.
This year his team got their names on the backs of their shirts. Cute! So official.
I made a montage of the past four seasons he has played t-ball.
Aww. Look how little he was! He certainly is growing. Stop it.
One of my girls' daycare friends' brother is on the boys' team for the second season in a row. They like to hang out together during the games. It looks like my girl, and Marie, decided to find another family to join. She just made herself at home next to them. Her friend was somewhere else.
The boy. He turned six. Six! He is so much fun. Smarter than I don't know what. He got his report card the other day and he is just blowing kindergarten out of the water. Out of the 39 areas he gets graded in, he has only gotten four 2's for the third quarter. The rest were 3's, which is the highest number he could get. He's above his level for kindergarten reading, too. He's pretty awesome.
My girl, helping me with the boy's birthday cake. My goal is to make her birthday cake next month for her party. I thought I would practice with his birthday to make sure everything turned out the way I wanted.
Pretty dang good for my first ever try with making/using fondant. The fondant I made doesn't really have much flavor, or any flavor at all. But I like the recipe and it did what I needed it to do, so it's a win. Also, marshmallow fondant is kind of chewy.
A coworker gave me a coupon to Monkey Joe's. You buy one admission and the second one is free. So, half price for both kids! They had a good time, which was a nice change of pace from when I took them a couple of years ago. The boy was very unsure of playing near kids that he didn't know. As soon as a strange kid would get in the bounce house he would immediately get out. I think playing baseball has helped immensely with this. It was so fun to see them enjoy being kids.

One thing that made my heart happy was seeing my kids play together. Don't get me wrong, they play well together at home and outside, usually. One of them ends up in tears (girl), or they argue about something, or over something. I was watching them together. The boy was looking out for his sister. He made sure he knew where she was, stayed near her, interacted with her, and helped her get on some of the inflatables if she couldn't do it herself. He looked out for her and I noticed it. So did another mom because she commented to me about how he was looking out for her. ♥ happy.
Since there was no baseball we waited for dad to get home for the rest of the birthday fun...cake and presents.
I think he likes his new bike. He's been asking to take the training wheels off his old (toddler) bike. So I took one off for him to practice balancing before he knew he was getting a big kid bike. We've practiced a little with riding a two-wheeler with me hanging on. He will be so excited to be able to ride it by himself one day.
So that is what I have been doing this past month of March, and a little sewing.